“Come in” was the motto of the open house event held by motan-colortronic Limited from 13th to 15th March 2018. The event in Chesterfield, England was well attended: Many…
motan defines sustainability as optimizing the configuration of processes while also taking resource conservation, energy efficiency, material recycling, circular economy and…
First tests have been a complete success: In cooperation with HB-Therm and Beckhoff Automation, motan-colortronic has developed a pilot project which will provide innovative…
Armacell Canada Inc., located in Brampton, Ontario celebrated the Grand Opening of its new PET line at the beginning of April 2017: In only one and a half years from Armacell’s…
Due to its modular design with numerous options, motan-colortronic’s 2013 METRO G series is one of the most flexible material loader available on the market. motan is now…