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On a lean journey with motan

In 2019 motan GmbH embarked on a lean journey, determined to achieve the highest possible efficiency in procedures and processes through constant and continuous improvement. An important milestone on this journey was the redirection of the value stream material loaders.

New value stream

With the value stream approach, material and information streams, processing procedures, stock, process times and other relevant production parameters are analysed and adjusted to customer data. The goal is flow production with the shortest throughput times, lowest stock, in short, the best possible use of resources.

The value stream material loaders in Isny profited from this new approach. In the second half of 2019, the installation procedure was redesigned and subsequently implemented in the newly built Hall 4 on the factory premises according to the relevant lean aspects.

Hall 4 in Isny, Germany

The entire Hall 4 was developed using a value stream design and kitted out with colour coding. Various areas are designated in the value stream according to their use. This includes, for example, vehicle lanes, entrance areas, work in progress, finished products, as well as keep-out and staging areas. The guidelines form the basis of spatial organisation, enable process standardisation and established cleanliness and order when adhering to the agreed-on process standards.

What is lean?

Since last year, motan has been working towards a lean transformation. This means optimizing processes and designing the value chain to be more efficient. One of the larger goals is continuous improvement through systematic elimination of waste in the operation units. “Work smarter, not harder!“ is the fundamental principle.

»Achieving our first goal so successfully fills us with pride. It wouldn’t have been possible without the cooperation and support of the entire team. So, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you once again.«

– Michael Tregner, Managing Direct of motan gmbh & COO of the motan group

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