First major sales meeting in Isny

A full house in the barn of the Berghotel Jägerhof in Isny.
For the first time, a large, joint Sales Meeting of the two companies motan gmbh süd and motan gmbh nord took place.
From 19.09. - 20.09.2023, around 130 participants from 28 countries travelled to Isny to take part in the Sales Meeting 2023. A tight programme of lectures, product presentations and strategies for the future awaited them. A highlight of these two days was certainly the excellently organised and conducted factory tour of motan operations gmbh in Isny. At various stations of the production, the individual departments and processes were presented and questions answered.

In addition, the social part was not neglected. The Allgäu evening in the stadium of the Berghotel Jägerhof offered the opportunity to get to know each other personally and to exchange ideas over Allgäu food and live music.
An important item on the agenda at the Sales Meeting is the honouring of long-standing representatives.

This year, the following companies were honoured for their long-standing cooperation with motan group:
- 15 years: EM-Kone – Finland
- 20 years: Schmid Industrievertretung – Germany
- 25 years: El Shazly – Egypt
- 30 years: Tepro – Turkey

A big praise to the organisers for these successful two days!